

The Jung Natal Chart

The Carl Jung Natal Chart What does Jung’s natal chart tell us about his passion for astrology and his own discovery – synchronicity? Feature by

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My Virgo Stellium

How Is Life With A Virgo Stellium? Jessica Adams writes about life with a Virgo stellium. How does it feel to live in your Sixth

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My Leo Moon

My Big, Bold, Bright….Shy, Shadowy, Sublime Leo Moon Sun Sign School subscriber and Substack columnist Annie Munroe looks at her Leo moon sign. Big ideas.

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Capricorn Sign Fleet St

My Capricorn Moon Sign

Being a Capricorn Moon Born At Noon Sun Sign School subscriber and Substack columnist Julie Fowler looks at her Capricorn Moon.  It’s when my Dad

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New Moon/Rawpixel

Setting New Moon Intentions

Intention Setting on A New Moon Sun Sign School tutor Natalie Delahaye responds to one of your most popular requests – how to correctly set

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The Sun Sign School Community

Did You Know We Have an Online Community? Thanks to Substack and Meetups, The Sun Sign School is part of a growing online community. We’re

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About My Moon Sign – Scorpio

Sun Sign School subscriber Fiona Lee Saunders writes about her Scorpio moon sign in an occasional series. Oh boy, what can’t I tell you about

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The Zodiac Sign Cancer

The Story of Cancer, Starry Crab in the Zodiac Sea Most of us know our natal zodiac sun sign, but what does it look like

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The Semi-Sextile

The Semi-Sextile Aspect in Astrology The aspects in astrology (the geometrical patterns) tell you the story. In modern astrology we use a 0-1 degree orb,

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Horary and Electional Astrology

Horary and Electional Astrology – Explained by Sharon Knight Guest Tutor Sharon Knight M.A. QHP helps bring the past into the present for Sun Sign

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My Sun Sign – Virgo

Virgo is My Sun Sign Sun Sign School subscriber Fiona Lee looks at the meaning of Virgo in her life and identity.  In true Virgo

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RAWPIXEL/Astrology Clock

Learning at the Sun Sign School

About Jessica Adams and the Sun Sign School The Astrological Association of Great Britain is hosting a talk by Sun Sign School founder Jessica Adams

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