Category: Natal Astrology

Stephanie Johnson/Copyright Johnson

Stephanie Johnson on 2024

CosmicEvents2024 (1) Stephanie Johnson recently gave a talk for The Sun Sign School at Abbotsford Convent in Melbourne. This is the PDF of her take

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Asteroid Diana on YouTube

Diana the Goddess of the Hunt This interview recorded with Ana Isabel and Jessica Adams in September 2023 is about the asteroids in your birth

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Predicting 2028 With Astrology

How Far Can Astrology Predict Into the Future? Before software like AstroGold and SolarFire arrived, astrologers used an Ephemeris, typically offering tables to 2050. These

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The Venus Family Tree

The Venus Family Tree and the Asteroids I’m giving a two-part lecture on the asteroids in astrology in March 2024 at The Astrological Lodge of

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