Using Astrology and Tarot
In this podcast Jessica Adams will recreate the February 2020 workshop so that you can use the tarot cards to see for yourself, how the historic patterns of the year work out.
In this podcast Jessica Adams will recreate the February 2020 workshop so that you can use the tarot cards to see for yourself, how the historic patterns of the year work out.
In your full modern astrology chart, the asteroid Aesculapia (number 1027) shows where you revive, resurrect, renew and repair – particularly any situation, person, institution or place which is on the brink.
To learn Sun Sign astrology, look for repeated patterns in history. When the same astrological aspects repeat, we find the same themes occurring. That’s how
The Saturn-Pluto cycle shapes destinies. Every thirty-five years or so, Saturn and Pluto conjoin beginning a new cycle, and each time they meet conflict and
In this exclusive podcast on the new Jupiter in Capricorn cycle for The Sun Sign School, Stephanie Johnson looks at the opportunities and benefits that
It takes roughly two-hundred and forty-eight years for Pluto to move through the entire zodiac.
On this self-guided audio tour, our podcast will take you from the Strand to Cheapside, over a distance of around one mile – and hundreds of years of astrological history.
International Elle magazine astrologer Bernard Fitzwalter looks at Jupiter – the giant of astrology – and what it means when you are seeing Jupiter Retrograde
The planet of communication, information, negotiation and transportation appears to stand still and move backwards three times a year. When that happens, we all know the impact.
How many times have the words ‘Mercury in retrograde’ appeared in your various social media feeds this week, being blamed for blocked emails and hideous arguments?
Listen on your trip to Avebury and Stonehenge, or sit and pause near the stones as bestselling authors and well-known media horoscope columnists Maggie Hyde
Uranus is the planet of revolution and independence, having been found in 1781, the final year of America’s war against the British. Lesson: Jessica Adams.
It really helps speed things up if you learn the symbols for the 12 signs and the planets, as well as other factors like asteroids.
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