Create a Tarot journal by folding 10 A4 sheets of paper into a simple booklet and adding wrapping paper as a cover. Bundle 12 of these and you have an annual tarot journal, which you can bind up with ribbon.
The best way to learn the Smith-Waite Tarot is through personal experience. I have written a simple word document guide to the 78 cards here, which you can add to.
Penny talks about how the Sun works in this sign and various combinations of planets in Cancer and the 4th house.
The word fortuna is from the Latin fors, or “luck” and Boethius wrote of the goddess, “I turn about my wheele with speed, and take a pleasure to turne things upside downe. Ascend if thou wilt…” When Fortuna travels through your horoscope she spins your life around, so that every low is a high in the making, and every high is a low in the making.
When the planet Mars moves to the same zodiac sign and degree as the planet Neptune, it’s a conjunction. We have one on 13th June 2020.
The zodiac sign Gemini, the twins, has a long history in global culture. June is Gemini season, as the Sun spends the majority of days in the zodiac sign of the twins. Gemini rules the Third House of the chart and is in turn ruled by the planet Mercury.
Synchronicity is the foundation of astrology. Wolfgang Pauli, a pioneer of quantum physics, co-authored a book with scientist and psychologist Carl Jung, The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche which developed Jung’s thoughts on the subject.
Pluto is the planet which symbolises the underworld in astrology. In your horoscope, by transit (travelling) and natally (as you were born with this planet).
Jupiter is a gas giant in astronomy. In astrology he is a timing device for expansion. Natalie Delahaye puts this planet in perspective for you with an exclusive podcast.
How do you put a transit, or cycle, together when you read it in a Sun Sign horoscope? How do you interpret a planet or asteroid, a zodiac sign and a house?
One planet, Jupiter, was watched by Indian, European and Asian astrologers, centuries ago. Each region had its own language and its own way of understanding Jupiter. All associated him with growth, improvement and expansion – in some way.
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