Pluto by Natalie Delahaye
Pluto is the planet which symbolises the underworld in astrology. In your horoscope, by transit (travelling) and natally (as you were born with this planet).
Pluto is the planet which symbolises the underworld in astrology. In your horoscope, by transit (travelling) and natally (as you were born with this planet).
Jupiter is a gas giant in astronomy. In astrology he is a timing device for expansion. Natalie Delahaye puts this planet in perspective for you with an exclusive podcast.
One planet, Jupiter, was watched by Indian, European and Asian astrologers, centuries ago. Each region had its own language and its own way of understanding Jupiter. All associated him with growth, improvement and expansion – in some way.
In your full modern astrology chart, the asteroid Aesculapia (number 1027) shows where you revive, resurrect, renew and repair – particularly any situation, person, institution or place which is on the brink.
International Elle magazine astrologer Bernard Fitzwalter looks at Jupiter – the giant of astrology – and what it means when you are seeing Jupiter Retrograde
The planet of communication, information, negotiation and transportation appears to stand still and move backwards three times a year. When that happens, we all know the impact.
It really helps speed things up if you learn the symbols for the 12 signs and the planets, as well as other factors like asteroids.
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