Natal Astrology

Natal Astrology

Asteroid Diana in Relationships

Alpha Diana Women and Their Men The asteroid Diana is in the Jupiter family in your chart. She is Jupiter’s daughter who begged her father

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Natal Astrology

The Asteroid Panacea in Astrology

How Panacea Works in Astrology The asteroids are often written off as being inconsequential, but look at Panacea and Hiroshima if you want to know

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Natal Astrology

Jupiter In Your Birth Chart

How does Jupiter work in your astrological birth chart? Israel Ajose D.Psych.Astrol  takes a detailed look in this podcast and tutorial on the gas giant.

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Natal Astrology

Transiting Jupiter Conjunctions

Israel Ajose D. Psych.Astrol is former President of The Astrological Lodge of London. He is a special guest Sun Sign School tutor with wide experience

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Stephanie Johnson/Copyright Johnson
Natal Astrology

Stephanie Johnson on 2024

CosmicEvents2024 (1) Stephanie Johnson recently gave a talk for The Sun Sign School at Abbotsford Convent in Melbourne. This is the PDF of her take

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Natal Astrology

Why Astrology is Just Super Natural

Astrology is Simply Super Natural Astrology is really super natural. Not so much ‘the supernatural’ as an ancient way of working with nature. Geologist Jim

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