Asteroid Diana in Relationships
Alpha Diana Women and Their Men The asteroid Diana is in the Jupiter family in your chart. She is Jupiter’s daughter who begged her father
Alpha Diana Women and Their Men The asteroid Diana is in the Jupiter family in your chart. She is Jupiter’s daughter who begged her father
How Proserpina Shows the Go-Between Proserpina, daughter of Ceres and wife of Pluto, was a go-between. She spent half the year with her mother and
How Panacea Works in Astrology The asteroids are often written off as being inconsequential, but look at Panacea and Hiroshima if you want to know
The Semi-Sextile Aspect in Astrology The aspects in astrology (the geometrical patterns) tell you the story. In modern astrology we use a 0-1 degree orb,
Scripting an Astrology Podcast How do you script a successful astrology podcast? Jessica Adams, host of The Astrology Show, uses a Gemini birthday podcast as
How does Jupiter work in your astrological birth chart? Israel Ajose D.Psych.Astrol takes a detailed look in this podcast and tutorial on the gas giant.
Israel Ajose D. Psych.Astrol is former President of The Astrological Lodge of London. He is a special guest Sun Sign School tutor with wide experience
Horary and Electional Astrology – Explained by Sharon Knight Guest Tutor Sharon Knight M.A. QHP helps bring the past into the present for Sun Sign
Virgo is My Sun Sign Sun Sign School subscriber Fiona Lee looks at the meaning of Virgo in her life and identity. In true Virgo
The Sun Sign School Needs Your Moon Sign Insights How do you feel about your Moon sign? If you can meet a deadline of 15th
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